Three little probes and the writing universe


No, it’s not a fairy tale. What? No, it’s not about some weird experiment in fringe science. It’s a summary of my first serious try to enter in the English-speaking fiction market, with a few things that I’ve learned in the process.

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Left Behind – the last part of the Ghosts Of War series

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This is it. I’ve finally nailed the last obstacles and now, thanks to the Amazon’s busy dwarves, the last installment of my first e-book series is out.

“Left Behind” is, by far, the most ambitious and difficult piece I’ve written in english. It’s a story about war, revenge, action and mayhem – all tied in a single low-price package. C’mon, it’s priced a bit more than an US dollar, no good science fiction can be cheaper than that.

So far, the entire series performed well and I hope that this final story will wrap it up nicely for those who already get the first three ebooks.

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Frederik George Pohl Jr. (1919-2013)


Another legend is gone. Pohl was one of the pros that defined the Golden Age and the Silver Age, active from 1939 to this year. The last entry of his wonderful blog was entered yesterday.

He was one of the few who happened to left his mark on the sci-fi genre; co-founder of the Futurians, editor, publisher, literary agent and wonderful author in his own right. Countless readers have been influenced by his works, a great number of fellow authors came into business thanks to his efforts.

People like him defined this little thing called “science-fiction” and helped greatly to establish a market for it. Just remember him next time you read anything, it’s the best way to pay homage to such a man.